Our musings

Our bible articles focused on discussing many ideas across the Christian life. From devotionals to prays to actionable and applicable tools to live a life for the Lord.

Bible Articles

What is praise journaling and why should you do it?
How often do you praise God? I don’t know about you but my Sunday school class sure had a hard time answering this question. It is easy to see why though, how often do we honestly think about it?
Wait on the Lord #MotivationMonday
I know we have been silent for the past few days. Sorry about that the holidays have kept us busy, but today we wanted to look at this scripture to help you on #MotivationMonday.
Creating a morning routine rooted in faith
Your alarm just went off and it is time for you to get up in the morning, what do you do? Hit the snooze button and try to steal a little more sleep? Simply hop into the shower and rush out the door?
God’s timing is always perfect
When you think of God, what do you think of? His goodness? His love? His mercy? His blessing? What makes God good? Is it because He gives us things? I would argue that the bible says He is good regardless
STOP following and start pursuing
Question is your life with Christ a passive or active action? No, seriously, do you chase after Him or do you just kinda say He is with me? That is what I want to explore today, being a follower
If were not planted you will be uprooted
Another amazing devotional from the team at Faithbox. Check out the video above. In this video Wille breaks down the defilement of our spirit that can come from our mouths when we speak to others.

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Agape First Church

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